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Bjorn Augustin

Bjorn Augustin

Umea and Gothenburg University School of Economics, Sweden

Title: The GAITRite® walkway system provides a quick and easy method for recoding validated outcome measures from beginning to end of treatment for all gait related conditions


Biography: Bjorn Augustin


Simply walk across the walkway with or without assistive devices in seconds.
Thousands of publications in a wide variety of disciplines and conditions
Mayo Clinic - Johns Hopkins Medical Center - VA - Mount Sinai Hospital - Colombia Presbyterian Hospital - NYU Hospital - Beijing Medical Center for the Elderly - Sevilla Hospital Virgen de Macarena - University of Auckland - Hopitaux Universitaires de Geneve - Dalhousie University. University of Basel - Cidade Universitario - Nova Scotia Rehabilitation Centre - Cleveland Clinic - New York Hospital for Special Surgery - Basel University Hospital - Holland Bloor view Pediatric Rehab Hospital - McGill University - University of British Columbia - Dhahran Health Center - Rehabilitation Zentrum Valens - Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare - Hospital Virgen de Macarena - University of Toronto - CHUM Hospital Notre-Dame - Mc Kellar Center - Australian Army - Nova Scotia Rehab Center - Weill Cornell Medical Center - Heidelberg University Hospital - Great Ormond Street Hospital - Hospital Rothschild de Paris - Clinique de Provence and many many more.