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Bjorn Augustin

Bjorn Augustin

Umea and Gothenburg University School of Economics, Sweden


Bjorn has completed his bachelor’s degree at the age of 25 years from Umea University and simultaneously studied Business Law and Organisational Psychology at Gothenburg University. He has 38 years’ experience from senior management positions in the Telecoms- and IT-sector. He is the founder and owner of Mobility Systems Scandinavia, which is the territory sole representative of Biodex, APDM, CIR Systems, BTT Medical and Biosensics since 2010. The company focus on selling, installing, training and servicing equipment for objective measurements of gait, balance and strength as well as equipment for the rehabilitation of said functional abilities.


Abstract : The GAITRite® walkway system provides a quick and easy method for recoding validated outcome measures from beginning to end of treatment for all gait related conditions